The Darkness Within Read online

  Chapter 1: The HIDE

  “Come on, Amazon. I don’t have all day so hurry up will you.” With a frustrated sign, Clara Paige patted the black and white Missouri Fox Trotter stallion and leaned on the wooden stable door to support her aching back. After ten minutes the horse refused to leave the stable instead regarded her with those huge black eyes that simply read ' I just won’t move'. Stubborn horse. Signing heavily she was just about to shut the door when Amazon leapt out suddenly nearly knocking her to the ground. With her foot, she shut the stable door and followed Amazon who had halted immediately and made a sound before grazing on the full-grown green grass. She waited patiently whilst rubbing her hand over the white soft fur.

  She had known Amazon for almost a year, since Brett had taken her in when she had run away from her foster mother who was a drug user and simply did not care about her anymore. Her life revolved around prostitution, drugs, and drink. She had simply forgotten the promise she had made to Clara about giving her a stable and protective home three years ago. Her foster mother’s actions no longer surprised her. Clara realised that disappointment was part of life whether one hid or lay bare to any type of human relationship and emotions. People where going to hurt her, emotions were inevitably going to suffocate her if she allowed it because in life, happiness did not exist and for some their short existence can be filled with pain and suffering at times making it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Except Amazon, of course he was her one true friend.

  The farmhouse was eight miles from where she originally lived for three years. She quite liked the red brick farmhouse that was cosy with a spacious field that extended across the front. To an outsider, Havenport was a lovely, peaceful place to live. Absent from the terrible evils that lurked in some neighbourhoods. However, Clara knew better than to let her guard down that even the most wonderful things have double meaning. Sometimes you have to look beyond the calm to see the actual storm brewing.

  Clara glanced in the distance and saw a man trotting in her direction, as he neared she recognised him as Brett with the spiky blond hair and the cowboy hat. Her heart leapt uncontrollably and quickly she hid behind Amazon hoping he would shield her from him. She prayed he would not find her; otherwise, her fate was undecided in his hands. She ducked lower, wanting to crawl through the field and get away. Unfortunately, Amazon with his huge appetite had finished his meal and lifted his head in delight to greet his master who was getting nearer. Clara shivered despite the heat from the sun, her body convulsed at the thought of what he would do.

  "Hiding are we?" his voice filled with venom and a hint of satisfaction. As he approached, Amazon changed direction and left her side exposing her to him.

  "Traitor." she muttered under her breath, wanting to strangle the horse for giving her away. She climbed to her feet reluctantly and squinted up at him the glare from the sun almost blinding her. Her instinct told her to run as fast as she could but she stood her ground, her fingernails digging into her jeans.

  "I wasn’t hiding, just took Amazon out." She glanced around for the horse that had drifted away from them aimlessly. "Perhaps I should bring him back before he gets lost." She took a step forward, faked a worry, to free her from this situation.

  He grabbed her arm and dragged her towards him. "I wouldn’t be so sure. It is not the horse I am interested in. Now listen well.” He lowered his face to hers smelling of smoke and beer. “There are two lads waiting in the house, so make sure you don’t fuck around. Just be a good girl and do what they say. There is good money and I want it. So don’t fuck this up. You hear.” His expression hardened and his hands on her arm were tight.

  Clara felt her stomach tighten; bile rose and she swallowed it down. She could not breathe, as her air was restricted with the painful realisation. In a way, she was expecting this. In the last three months, he decided he would share her to as many men as possible in exchange for money. Often he would let two men at a time have her, whilst he watched the appalling show. He would watch for hour like watching entertainment show on TV. She had lost count as to how many men he had brought home claiming they were his friends. Neither of them was gentle or had a heart to stop to consider their obnoxious act. It was all about power, sex and enjoyment unleashed on a vulnerable, homeless young girl.

  When they reached the house, he brought her to a stop abruptly sending her to the ground. She gasped as he came down on her, his thick fingers digging into her flesh. She caught sight of a chain he untangled from his pants before fastening it around her neck like a scarf.

  He clenched his teeth and spat out his words. "If you mess around like, yesterday then your punishment will be severe." He tightened the chain around her neck as a demonstration.

  “Understood." Pure rage and anger flashed in his eyes. He would go at any lengths to obtain his prize. Brett’s eyes were always on the prize. Money, it was always about the damn money. No wonder the world was corrupt. Money could buy just about anything for someone who did not have much.

  He squeezed the chain tighter; her neck hurt badly forcing her to shut her eyes tightly as pain welled up in her neck. She did not struggle like all those other occasion, but stayed still absorbing the pain wishing for a quick death feeling her throat close and her oxygen supply reducing. She hoped her pulse would stop beating to rid her of the anguished torture that was coming. Brett released the chain and dragged her to her feet harshly; Clara rubbed her neck and took a step back.

  "I won't do it, please Brett. I don't even know those men." she begged earnestly. "You don't know what it's like …"

  Brett clenched his fists before smacking her hard. "You stupid bitch, you act as though you haven’t done this before, as if I haven’t seen your body. What better entertainment than this."

  Her mouth opened to protest and another hit across the face, she rubbed her cheeks feeling them burn and throb and bit her lips to stop herself from crying. She pushed back her silky black hair and tilted her chin to face him.

  "You can hurt me if you like. But I won't sleep with those men, not now not ever." She expected another slap or a kick, when neither happened she released her breath and stared into those cold eyes. Instead, he grabbed her by the hair and pushed her inside the house before locking the front door. He pushed her inside the living room and she froze as the two men turned to face her with wicked grins of pleasure on their faces. Both men were heavily built, bold, they were taller than she was, muscular was, and not her regular customers; their appearance as well as their presence scared her. She could not run anywhere, she felt Brett behind her, his fingers digging into her flesh. She winced as his hands touched the bruise on her back, the one he had given her two days ago or was it three, and she could not remember how many times he hit her with his hands or by using an instrument.

  The taller of the two came forward. "You were o' right, Brett she is lovely. I'll pay you double, man." He stuck up one finger. "Full one hour." He tossed some notes on the table.

  The shorter one came forward, his red eyes skimming over her body making Clara sick and nauseous. "Take of your clothes, darling, lemme see your body." Clara took a weak step back and stepped on Brett's toes, luckily he didn’t say anything. She turned around, her eyes pleading into his her arms slipped around his waist bringing her body closer to his. "Please, Brett." she whimpered. He didn’t even flinch, pushing her aside with his hand he bent to pick up the money on the table.

  Clara saw an opportunity to flee, the men were few feet away from her, and Brett was no longer holding her but enjoying the feel of cash in his hands.

  Greedy bastard she darted out the living room and down the hallway and flew open the front door and ran as fast as she could; she heard Brett's angry voice behind her, demanding her to come back
. However, she ignored him, there was no way she would listen to him, and she ran through the field and tossed her head to the side in search for Amazon who was nowhere to be seen. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest and her head felt dizzy, she knew he would follow her and was probably right behind her with those men in tow as back up. She concentrated on running and only stopped once she reached the hill; she collapsed on the grass and ran a hand through her hair panting for breath. Looking back, she was surprised no one was following her that meant Brett would deal with her after he had sent the men on their way.

  In the meantime she was temporary safe, there was no doubt she wouldn’t go back. She always did because for the past year it had been her home. When she had first arrived she enjoyed the vast openness and the isolated location, Brett was nice at first giving her own room and spending time with her. He was funny and kind in a way. Until everything changed when he leaned to kiss her, she refused. When he slipped between her covers at night, she ran so fast that she nearly tumbled down the stairs. After some many rejections on so many occasions, he became violent and forceful like an animal that could not catch its prey yet kept trying. She didn’t for a second believe their relationship was right, he was thirty-eight years old whilst she was only twenty one it wasn’t just the age gap but his wrong intentions for her. He was old enough to be her father, but a sick man who had no sense of right and wrong and made her life a living hell. She had no family, no home. The house here in Havenport was her only home with him. She was dependant on him to live he never took her anywhere, not even into town. If she wanted something, he would get her, food, clothes, books, etc. The bottom line was she was and had always been shut away from the rest of the world.

  Clara sniffed and wiped away the last of her tears. A sense of calm invaded her mind to remove the emotional turmoil. She had no idea of the source but frowned as the light breeze brought with it peace and composure that rushed over her body. With the back of her hand, she wiped at the last of tears and stretched her legs in front of her. Her body ached in places where she was struck; she wanted to sit in a warm bath and allow the hot water to soothe her aching muscles. She thought of sneaking in when Brett was out but decided against it besides he was probably home thinking of his next plan of action. She lay down, lifted her face to the clear blue sky, and signed deeply. She felt so lonely, with no one to talk to except wander around the field all day, sit on the hill, or throw stones in the stream. Even the animals could not talk to her, like they do in films, the horse neighed and the dog barked they made no sound except that. Sometimes she would talk to Amazon and pretend she was talking to an imaginative friend, except Amazon ignored her and gave no response. She figured the animals were useless, people often thought they were good companions to her they were speechless, selfish creatures.

  An hour or so seemed to have passed as she lay in the sun, her stomach knotted with anxiety of what was to come. She heard footsteps behind her; very quickly, she stood up feeling the fear creep inside her. Brett had found her. She breathed a sigh of relief as Amazon appeared and stood in front of her swinging his tail.

  Clara allowed herself to smile she rarely smiled. "I'm not very happy with you. As my only so-called friend you revealed me to your master who is not a very nice man." To show him how cross she was she put her hands on her hips and glared at the horse who said nothing.

  Clara shook her head, dismayed. "Come on, since you're here you might as well give me a ride back. Not that I want to go, but hey I don't have a damn choice. Now turn around." The horse lifted his head and shook the mane of white hair; Clara managed to climb on to Amazon’s back without assistance. When she reached the house, she looked around anxiously, Brett's truck was gone, and she did not see him in the field. That meant he had gone into town the thought of him gone aroused suspicion and fear in her.

  "Go back to the stable, boy and don't wander off, otherwise the master won't be very happy." She gave Amazon one last gentle tap on the back and hurried inside the house. The front door was unlocked; she slipped inside and found the house deserted. She climbed the six steps to the second level of the house and hurried into the bathroom where she turned on the hot tap and threw in some aromas and ointment lotion. She waited whilst the hot water filled the white bath steaming the window and the mirror. She threw off her jeans and the cream coloured blouse that she wore. She locked the door, tied her hair into a ponytail, and slipped into the steaming water that was sensational on her skin. Closing her eyes shut as she sank lower into the tub, feeling her aching body relax in the water. For a moment she shut out everything and everyone, nothing mattered except the warmth feeling that had started to invade her body.

  Unexpectedly two loud knocks on the door made her freeze in fear, she didn’t breathe. She didn’t move her muscles tensed and the water went ice cold. Her eyes widened and flew to the door.

  Chapter 2: The TORTURE

  Two more thumping knocks “Open the damn door!" Brett shouted from the other side. He was clearly angry. Eventually she knew he would return she was hoping later. “I know you’re in there.”

  "What do you want, I'm having a bath." She yelled back, her voicing shaking with fear. She found herself unable to move. He continued to knock loudly; she feared the weak wooden door would collapse from the hinges.

  "I said open the fucking door, I won't ask you again"

  "No, you can deal with me when I come out.” A cold shiver went up her spine and she felt the temperature of the water reduce dramatically around her.

  She heard him kicking at the door. "I'll come in whether you like it or not, I'm sick and tired of you refusing me and answering me back."

  "Go away Brett, I mean it". Her lips quivered the tears formed behind her eyes. She shut her eyes and leaned back. She wanted to block out his voice, the loud hammering on the door. When she reopened her eyes, she saw the lock break and the door flew open with a bang. She gasped in horror and wrapped her arms around her breasts. He marched towards her his teeth clattering his fists clenched in front of him, his face red.

  "You stupid bitch, I had to send those men back. You little whore, just couldn’t do what I asked, I warned you what would happen." His fists connected to her head, Clara fell backwards into the bath, water splashed over the sides and onto his clothes, Brett was unaware as he knelt down and grabbed her hair plunging her head deeper into the water. He held her there, one, two, three, four, and five. Clara struggled beneath the water, her legs moving, her body withering beneath his strong hands. Water entered her mouth, into her nose until she choked. He pulled her head back up and she gulped in the air, taking it into her lungs for futile survival. Then she found her head beneath the water this time longer than the first time. She struggled again and moaned, she tried to move her arms, but they were too weak flopping to her side.

  Brett felt her still she was no longer fighting him, he brought her head up and pushed away her wet hair, there were other ways to make her suffer. She panted loudly, her naked form quivering in the tub. He allowed his eyes to gaze over her breasts and down towards her private place between her legs. He smiled knowingly his intentions clear in his mind.

  "Get out!" he barked wrapping his hand around her throat and squeezing when she didn’t move. "I said get out, right now!"

  Clara felt numb and dizzy, the room spun around her, she coughed to spit out the water from her mouth. She remained in the tub, her eyes fixed on his face. "I ca…I can't." she chocked out.

  She found herself being lifted on to the cold floor; his hands grabbed her hair to prevent her from escaping. Clara cried out as her scalp burned with fire.

  "STOP, STOP!" She pleaded fruitlessly.

  He knocked her back as he positioned himself over her, her head banged against the sink causing a new pain to develop.

  "Don't fight me because I always get what I want." Brett said between clenched teeth, he lowered down his trousers and Clara’s eyes widened with shock. Her vision blurred and her head ached madly. She rubbed her
head, feeling for a wound. His hands touched her breasts and she positioned her body away. This time he punched her in the stomach fiercely, she screamed again in agony as hot white pain shot through her. She lay still whilst his hands pinched her breasts; squeezed her nipples to the point where she felt repulsive, she thrust her head back in anguish as his hands pinched two of her nipples turning them bright red.

  Once he entered her, Clara moved beneath him in an attempt to get away, there was nothing pleasurable in the way he abused her. He felt pleasure in raping her, forcing her against her will when her body rejected him, she felt sore and broken beyond repair. With her face wet with tears, she allowed her body to still despite him tearing her inside out. She turned her face away; her hands still clasped together and held over her head. She couldn’t find her voice to talk; she was overwhelmed with pain, misery and torture, the tears continued to flow like a stream, endless.

  Brett panted hard, and then he grunted like a wild animal before slowing down to catch his breath. He felt amazing, so in control to roam free inside her, tearing her apart bit by bit. It was the power and control he desired to be able to use, whilst she lay so weakly beneath him, with her face turned away. His dear old dad had taught him well. Brett remembered when he was a young wild teenage, using drugs and partying with underage girls. He remembered his father grooming helpless girls and making money off them. It paid the bills, funded their lavish lifestyles, and kept the drug dealers satisfied.

  When he was finished, he rolled her over to find her unconsciousness. He felt her pulse, which was weak, her eyes closed. He was slightly thankful she was alive and grateful that she was completely out by the pain he caused her otherwise her screams were deafening. He stared at her lips and kissed her before spitting on the floor in disgust he left the bathroom leaving her naked, battered form on the floor.


  When she gained consciousness, everything hurt, every muscle in her body cried out. She was in so much pain. At first she allowed her eyes to open, her head hurt and felt disoriented at the frequent blows she had received. Her back was stiff with pain and when she attempted to move her hands, she found them to be numb. Clara buried her head into the cold floor as shivers raked her body. Minutes passed and she stopped crying, it never helped. Lifting her head weakly she saw the sink, she reached out her hand and placed it on top of the basin. Her legs were unsteady as she allowed herself to lift her legs and stand up; trying to ignore the pain, she stood and held the basin with both hands. She opened the cabinet and took out a packet of painkillers. She had no idea how long she was unconscious for but the bastard had left her alone and in a state of distress. Anyone else would have gone insane almost right at the spot. With shaking fingers, she popped two tablets in her mouth and filled the plastic cup with water, after swallowing two she popped two more and swallowed them. Anyone would think she was overdosing by taking too many painkillers, but Clara did not believe four would harm her, also, she didn’t fear overdosing it would be better to escape her situation, to just disappear into nothing.